
Empowering Children's Mental Health Management: A Comprehensive Resource

Welcome to Triumf Health's comprehensive resource dedicated to empowering children's mental health management. Our mission is to provide support and relief from the mental burden children may face, whether it stems from chronic illnesses, challenging home environments, school-related stress, COVID or somewhere else. In this page, we delve into the essential elements of promoting resilience, mindfulness, and emotional well-being in children. Discover expert insights, practical strategies, and valuable resources to help children overcome mental challenges and thrive in all aspects of life.


A complete guide for understanding children’s mental health and wellbeing.

  • The Importance of Mental Health Management for Children

  • Recognizing the Impact of Various Stressors on Mental Well-being

  • The Role of Early Intervention in Supporting Children's Mental Well-being

Children’s health and wellbeing

We understand the crucial role that mental well-being plays in our children's overall growth, success, and happiness.

We started in 2016 from disease management that requires comprehensive care

Childhood cancer is one of the illnesses that usually cannot be prevented and is associated with many myths as there is a lot of information available. Fortunately, childhood cancer incidence and survival statistics show for example that the overall 5-year survival rate for childhood cancer is close to 80%. In cancer care, psychology holds a great role, especially since cancer treatment can be considered like a tough journey of uncertainty. Children who have won the battle against cancer need supportive services even after the disease treatment has ended.

Of course all illnesses are different in the symptoms and treatment. How can even children's health be characterized as a whole? What we do know, is the fact that disease management requires comprehensive care. Chronic illnesses predispose children for higher risk in developing mental disorders. The rates of chronic illnesses among children are increasing rapidly. At the same time, mental health issues can have long-term health consequences but these issues also interfere with the treatment process of underlying chronic illness.

Diabetes care in the case of T1D is a lifelong process and the diagnosis of diabetes and the stressors related with the illness are, understandably, unexpected. Evidence suggests that exercise is beneficial for diabetes management and so are psychological interventions. Interventions need to be delivered to children the way they like it, which is why it is important to take children’s feedback always into account when designing interventions for them. This stands for all chronic illnesses including asthma.

Obesity-related mental burden

Obesity is also one of the main contributing factors related to lifestyle associated diseases and requires special attention in order for us to prevent the development various illnesses. The focus should always be on prevention. For that reason our Triumfland Saga game is also relieving the mental burden related to excessive weight. Not only among children with health issues but also amongst children who have not developed any illnesses so far. Digital tools offer a great medium to provide preventative care to children. We are always improving the intervention based on the feedback from stakeholders.

Why children's mental health matters?

There is a global mental health crisis among children. More than half of mental health disorders develop in childhood and the majority of children do not receive treatment of their illnesses. It is important that families as a whole support their children and guide their development. But it is also important to relieve the burden that families have and provide supportive services. As such, digital tools are available. It is essential to assess and address child mental health. As children use digital tools a lot, the best approach is to do it digitally.

How mental health affects school performance?

There is a rapid increase in mental health disorders among children globally. Some statistics indicate that even half of school-aged children experience mental health problems. At school, mental health problems hinder performance and affect student's energy level, concentration, dependability, cognitive and mental ability. Mental health issues need to receive immediate attention.

School psychology is important. Through an interactive environment, we are providing information to children on health and wellbeing using evidence-based pedagogical principles. The overarching aim is to use state-of-the-art methodology to induce the creation of healthy habits among children. In addition to supporting children's health and wellbeing, the game teaches valuable problem-solving skills to children (involves topics like bullying at school and online). All achieved through engaging gameplay providing additional cognitive benefits as shown by previous research. We all know the importance of a school psychologist and our game helps to free up resources so that more time would be left for critical cases.

What are digital health technologies?

There are various tools to support children’s health and relieve the burning problem of poor health among children. It is expected that these will transform our healthcare ecosystem as we currently know it. Coronavirus pandemic surely accelerated the uptake of digital tools and has created a new normal. As such, apps can be considered as a therapy. It is trending in the healthcare ecosystem which is why it is not so common anymore to ask the question of “what is digital health and why does it matter?” Even though it has been on our plate for a long time to innovate the healthcare field and go towards a more integrated care. Most importantly, digital tools need to be validated and scientifically proven. Surely, it is difficult to choose from so many different options for patients. However, it is still difficult to innovate in the field

The field of digital therapeutics used to be a niche topic but now there is a general awareness that therapy can also be provided digitally, even in the form of an algorithm. A common question is why digital health startups fail. Perhaps because they are not following their North Star.

Best digital services for child health

Digital usage in general has increased in every aspect of children’s lives and it is inevitable that children in the modern society spend much of their free time on screen. Society is changing rapidly and children are used to getting a lot of content all the time and get tired of waiting. Therefore, it seems reasonable to try to provide fun and quality content which they are accessing on screen. One of the most interesting ways of providing care to children is through a game environment. The idea of using games to promote better health-related outcomes has gained significant interest, the definition, nature and effectiveness of serious games. This is also how Triumfland Saga works. However, this also fits well into a patient journey and is available for those who already have illnesses.

Our approach at Triumf Health

Triumf Health has always followed our mission of creating healthier future for children. We approach this by through putting theories into practice by involving stakeholders - children, their families and experts and ultimately, utilizing the best thing that kids love - games - for activity based learning. Our game is highly valued by children and it contains valuable features like a mindful coloring book and a puzzle mini-game for a little cognitive challenge.

Our very ambitious plan is becoming the global leaders in digital therapeutics for children. We in Triumf Health believe in our mission, the team is highly qualified, value science and takes a lean approach of development. We value gaining more knowledge all the time and support from experts. Our team and the product has won various global awards including the highly prestigious World Summit Award in 2022. We were honored to receive the global award in Puebla, Mexico in June 2023. Furthermore, we have been chosen as the only company in Europe to compete at the medical innovation competition in Cleveland. We are among top 20 startups in Europe across industries. Furthermore, we were named the best and selected as one of the best digital health companies in Europe in 2019. Triumf Health has even received an amazing recognition from Nasdaq when the American stock exchange company congratulated us on the biggest screen on Times Square.