Children’s mental health and wellness in focus
Explore the forefront of children's mental health technology with Triumf Health's blog, your premier destination for innovative mental health solutions for young minds. Dive into expert insights and practical tips on enhancing children's wellbeing through our award-winning game, Triumfland Saga. This game is designed not just to entertain but to empower and educate, making it a leading kids' wellbeing app. Our blog covers essential topics such as fostering resilience, promoting emotional balance, and managing stress effectively in children. Stay informed about the latest advancements in mental health games and how Triumfland Saga continues to revolutionize approaches to children's mental health. Join our community and be part of the transformative journey towards a brighter, healthier future for our children.
8 Креативних ідей для родинного дозвілля, щоб зробити зимові канікули незабутніми та веселими
Зимові канікули — чудова можливість познайомити дитину з захопливим світом книг. Читання розширює словниковий запас, покращує граматику, розвиває критичне мислення та уяву.
8 tegevust kogu perele, mis muudavad talvise vaheaja meeldejäävaks ja lõbusaks
Oleme kirja pannud 8 peresõbralikku ideed, mis aitavad luua unustamatuid mälestusi, pakkudes samas kõigile meelelahutust ja kaasatust – alates meisterdamisest ja küpsetamisest kuni lumiste väliseiklusteni!
8 Creative Family Activities for Making Winter Holidays Memorable and Fun
We've curated 8 family-friendly ideas to help you create unforgettable holiday memories while keeping everyone entertained and engaged — from crafting and baking to snowy outdoor adventures!
Why Mental Health Education Should Start in Early Childhood
Starting mental health education in early childhood is crucial for building emotional resilience and preventing long-term issues. Learn why early intervention matters and how tools like Triumfland Saga can support your child's mental well-being.
Supporting Children's Mental Health During Summer Holidays
Tips to help ensure your child has a mentally healthy and happy summer.
Ukraine Conference Psychological Resilience as a Key to Stability in the Time of War
Triumf Health project was presented at a conference titled Psychological Resilience as a Key to Stability in the Time of War.
Triumf Healthi külastuskäik Tallinna Läänemere Gümnaasiumisse
Vestleme Tallinna Läänemere Gümnaasiumi õpilastega.
Nurturing Mental Health Awareness in Kenyan Children Through Gaming
Reflecting on childhoods in Kenya, our team recall how mental health was often ignored or misunderstood. Today, while urban areas see better support, disparities persist. Triumfland Saga aims to bridge this gap, offering culturally relevant mental health education through mobile technology. This game aligns with Kenya's educational reforms, fostering emotional resilience and providing crucial support for children across diverse backgrounds.
Triumf Healthi külaskäik Ristiku Põhikooli
Külastasime Ristiku Põhikooli ja vestlesime viienda klassi õpilastega.
Triumf Health ja Tallinna Haridusameti koostöö: Heaolu ja õppimine käivad käsikäes
Triumf Health viis läbi fookusgrupi intervuu Ehte Humanitaargümnaasiumi neljandate klasside õpilastega.
Triumf Health отримав фінансування від Естонського центру міжнародного розвитку (ESTDEV) на новий проєкт з підтримки психічного здоров'я дітей в Україні
Triumf Health отримав фінансування від Естонського центру міжнародного розвитку (ESTDEV) на новий проєкт з підтримки психічного здоров'я дітей в Україні.
Eesti Rahvusvahelise Arengukoostöö Keskus (ESTDEV) rahastab 2024. aastal Triumf Healthi projekti Ukraina laste vaimse tervise toetamiseks
Eesti Rahvusvahelise Arengukoostöö Keskus (ESTDEV) rahastab 2024. Aastal Triumf Healthi projekti Ukraina laste vaimse tervise toetamiseks.
Triumf Health was awarded financing through The Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV) for a new project to support the mental health of children in Ukraine
Triumf Health was awarded financing through The Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV) for a new project to support the mental health of children in Ukraine.
Navigating the mental health crisis: embracing digital tools for accessibility and affordability
In a world where mental health care remains elusive for many, the urgency to address the crisis has never been more palpable. Discover how innovative solutions are reshaping the landscape of mental health, offering hope, accessibility, and support to those in need.
Creating an engaging and educational mobile game for kids without the negatives of addictive gaming
At Triumf Health, we are committed to creating a game that educates children about mental health, empathy, resilience, and problem-solving, all within a fun and immersive environment. Here's a look at the challenges and our approach to overcoming them with Triumfland Saga.
Top 5 home activities for strengthening your child's mental health
Discover effective ways to nurture your child's mental health with our top 5 home activities. From the educational adventures in Triumfland Saga to creative arts and regular emotional check-ins, learn how to strengthen your bond with your child while fostering emotional resilience and wellbeing.