Two new team members at Triumf Health

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Hello, readers! We are Carita and Toomas and we are here to introduce ourselves to the community.

My name is Carita Henrietta. Currently, I am a second-year student at the King’s College London studying Sports and Exercise Medical Sciences. Problems about health and wellbeing have always been close to my heart and while I was doing my summer internships in different hospitals I discovered my passion for neurology and mental health.

How did I end up in one of the best health-tech companies in Europe? Once, I read an article about Triumf Health and its impact on improving children’s quality of health and from that second, I was hooked. Then, I contacted Kadri and learned her passion for Triumf Health and the idea behind it. I guess our interests matched and it assured me that I need to become a part of this wonderful team.

Daily, I love doing track and field and other physical activities. In my free time, I enjoy examining new studies and learning more about anatomy. Additionally, I really fancy cooking.

So, this is Toomas speaking. My educational background is quite technical. I finished my Bachelor's in Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics and now I am pursuing a Medical Technology & Physics Master’s degree. Education aside, my main problem with the current healthcare system is that in my opinion, the field does not come even close to gathering and using all the possible data to prevent diseases. Quantifying psychology and using the gathered data to make improvements in children’s mental health is something that Triumf and I collectively share as a mission.

I found Triumf Health from the Estonian Startup Database when I was casually browsing health-tech startups. I felt like this was an amazing match because I used to create fun little video games when I was in primary school and now I am part of a team that makes an educational mobile game for children.

I am a nerd, concluding it from the biography I have written here. I study, I read, I work, I work out (sometimes) and I love people, especially all the pals and gals I can call my friends and family.

Carita Kaare

Our former Health Educational Officer has a background in health science. She is a former athlete and personally very interested in behavioral change techniques. She contributing to our communication and R&D efforts.


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