Our CEO - Dr. Kadri Haljas, will give a talk at the European Forum of Young Leaders

Next week, on the 27th of April 2022 from 10.00 to 11.00 our CEO Kadri Haljas will give a talk at the European Forum of Young Leaders that will be happening alongside the European Economic Congress in Katowice, Poland.

The agenda will include panel discussions and workshops on different perspectives on the future of European youth cooperation as well as diverse thematic sessions about technology and media literacy, urban sustainability, informational self-determination, modern democratic values, and the role of education in creating equal opportunities in Europe.

Riin Tark

Our former Chief Engagement Officer is a clinical child psychologist by background. She was in charge of stakeholder engagement and involvement, whilst coordinating our research efforts.


Triumfland Saga game features: character customization


The CEO of Triumf Health goes to Poland, Katowice for the European Economic Forum