Revolutionizing Moldova's education: the Triumfland Saga approach to enhancing Learning and well-being

Transforming education in Moldova with Triumfland Saga

Moldova's educational system has undergone significant transformations since the country's independence, striving to adapt to the evolving demands of its economic, social and political spheres. The system, structured across various levels from preschool to higher education, aims to provide equitable opportunities and foster the integration of its citizens into the European and global communities. Despite these efforts, Moldova faces challenges such as outdated study materials, disparities between rural and urban education, and a need for more efficient use of educational resources

The current educational landscape

Education in Moldova is compulsory from ages 6 to 17, beginning with primary school and progressing through lower and upper secondary education. The country has made strides in improving access to education, with a high literacy rate and a diverse array of educational institutions. However, the quality of education has been a persistent concern, with Moldovan students lagging behind in international assessments. That’s why we are more than eager to contribute to the developments in Moldova because Estonian educational system is ranking the best in Europe.

The role of mental health in education

An often-overlooked aspect of educational quality is the mental well-being of students. Mental health issues can significantly hinder a student's performance, affecting their energy levels, concentration, and cognitive abilities. With a reported increase in mental health disorders among children globally, there is an urgent need to address these concerns within the educational framework.

Introducing Triumfland Saga

Triumfland Saga is an innovative solution designed to support the mental health of children aged 7-12. This science-based mobile game uses validated psychological techniques to assess and support children's well-being through an interactive environment. By incorporating elements of play and education, Triumfland Saga offers a unique approach to fostering resilience and emotional intelligence among young learners.

The impact of Triumfland Saga in Moldovan schools

Integrating Triumfland Saga into Moldova's educational system could revolutionize the way mental health is addressed in schools. The game's multilingual capabilities ensure that it is accessible to children across different linguistic backgrounds, including those in Moldova. As part of the ESTDEV project, Triumfland Saga is now available in Romanian! By providing a platform for children to learn about emotions, stress management, and healthy habits, Triumfland Saga could help to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical life skills.

Benefits for Moldovan educators and students

For educators, Triumfland Saga could serve as a valuable tool to complement traditional teaching methods, offering a way to engage students in mental health education in a fun and interactive manner.

For students, the game could provide a safe space to explore their feelings and develop coping strategies, potentially leading to improved academic performance and overall well-being.

Triumf Health looking ahead in Moldova

As Moldova continues to invest in its educational system, incorporating innovative tools like Triumfland Saga could be a key step in enhancing the learning experience for students. By prioritizing mental health alongside academic achievement, Moldova can create a more supportive and effective educational environment. The insights and feedback from integrating such technologies will undoubtedly contribute to shaping a more resilient and adaptive educational landscape for future generations.

In conclusion, the educational system in Moldova stands at a crossroads, with the opportunity to integrate cutting-edge solutions like Triumfland Saga to address the holistic needs of its students. By embracing this innovative approach, Moldova can ensure that its educational reforms not only improve academic standards but also nurture the mental well-being of its young learners, preparing them for a successful and balanced future.

Dr. Kadri Haljas

Dr. Kadri Haljas is the founder and CEO of Triumf Health since 2016. She is experienced in mobile health solutions for children and games for health. Dr. Haljas has a background in health psychology, she holds a PhD degree from the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine. Her clinical work experience is in developmental psychology.


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