Triumfland Saga game features: Daily sleep scale

Who doesn’t love a good sleep? We all do!

Sleep is our basic need and it plays a central role in restoring the resources after a long day. Although, it is one of the first areas of life that gets negatively affected by environmental stressors like worries, load, anxiety, and so on. 

Sleep is extremely important for children because it helps them cope with different challenges as they go through developmental stages and grow older. This is why in our Triumfland Saga game there is a feature that helps children pay more attention to the quality and quantity of their sleep. 

Every day when a child logs into the game, the sidekick asks them a simple question: “How did you sleep last night?” Such simple question asked over an extended period of time helps children become more aware of their sleep patterns, and helps to form positive sleeping habits which in turn will improve their mental health and general well-being, and makes them more resilient.

Learn more about how we address sleep in Triumfland by subscribing to Triumfland Saga - a mobile game that helps children improve their mental health through personalized gameplay. You’ll receive a 3-day free trial with a monthly subscription and a 7-day free trial with an annual subscription. Triumfland Saga is for all children between the ages of 7-12.

Leandro Gil

Experienced Lead Software Engineer (10+ years of experience in game development; 5+ years of experience in enterprise development) in charge of designing and developing the game and the features required by the team psychological experts in a fun and engaging way.


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