Why is it important to understand emotions and why children struggle to do so?

Emotions are a fundamental aspect of human experience, influencing our thoughts, actions, and relationships with others. Understanding our own emotions and those of others is crucial for effective communication, decision-making, and social interactions. This is especially important for children as they navigate the complex and often confusing world around them.

There are several reasons why children may struggle to identify emotions:

  • Young children may not have the vocabulary or language skills to express their feelings, which can lead to frustration and confusion.

  • Emotions can be complex and nuanced, with different variations of intensity and duration, making them difficult to identify and articulate.

  • Children may not have had enough experiences with different emotions to recognize and understand them.

Identifying emotions is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps children to regulate their own emotions and behavior, leading to better emotional wellbeing and self-control. When children understand their emotions, they can communicate their needs effectively, and make more informed decisions, leading to better outcomes. Secondly, understanding emotions helps children to empathize with others, fostering positive relationships and promoting social skills. By recognizing the emotions of others, children can respond appropriately and develop deeper connections with peers and adults.

Research has also shown that children who have a better understanding of emotions are more likely to perform well academically, have higher levels of social competence, and better mental health outcomes. Furthermore, children who are better able to identify and express their emotions are less likely to experience behavioral problems, anxiety, and depression.

Considering all this we have created a lot of content and systems inside Triumfland Saga to provide children with tools to understand and identify emotions. Our content has been developed using simple vocabulary and language structures to ensure that children can easily understand and engage with our material.

But regardless of our efforts, there were some technical limitations in our character models to properly convey a wide range of emotions until now.

We are happy to announce that now all our character models have full support for facial expressions to show how they are feeling and react to the player interactions, plus having a wider range of customization to add diversity and variety to Triumfland.

And that is not all! Our cute companions also got a full rework with a rich and expressive set of animations and expressions that children are loving already.

In conclusion, understanding emotions is a critical skill for children, with far-reaching implications for their emotional, social, and academic development. By providing children with opportunities to explore and express their emotions, we can help to build their emotional intelligence, leading to better outcomes in all areas of their lives, and this is part of our mission at Triumf Health.

Leandro Gil

Experienced Lead Software Engineer (10+ years of experience in game development; 5+ years of experience in enterprise development) in charge of designing and developing the game and the features required by the team psychological experts in a fun and engaging way.


Triumfland Saga - the colors of calm unleashed


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