Mindfulness coloring book: a new Triumf minigame

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Things are moving fast this year and we try to keep up - not only by providing more and better support for ill children through our Triumf health game but also by delivering more content. And now we are very proud to announce that the Coloring Book is part of our Triumf health game! Keep reading to learn more about the importance of mindfulness-based techniques in disease management and have a look at our wonderful Coloring Book!

What mindfulness means?

By definition, mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment. It means maintaining awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment. It is not always easy to do since in the modern society we are always surrounded with various sensory stimuli that prevent us from being fully present in the moment. However, mindfulness improves people's functioning in many areas and for that reason we have written about the importance of mindfulness based techniques on our blog previously as well.

How mindfulness helps with disease management?

Mindfulness-based techniques can have positive effect on our health. It has been shown that mindfulness could reduce symptoms of psychological issues, while simultaneously encouraging improvements in self-regulated behavior, cognitive, emotional, and interpersonal functioning (Lebuda, Zabelina, & Karwowski, 2015). Mindfulness and meditation may even reduce the risk of heart disease (American Health Association, 2017)!

Triumf Coloring Book: utilizing the benefits of practicing mindfulness through art

Think about chronically ill children who are constantly given overwhelming information on their condition and bombarded with disease-management tasks that might prevent them from being fully present in the moment. Our new Coloring Book might help them!

Our mindfulness-based Coloring Book is truly a fun way to add calm into our users´ lives. Kids can now create their best pieces of art and save to their gallery. They have over 20 different images to choose from and can easily zoom in when working on more complex images. It is a creative way to incorporate mindfulness into their daily life. And since they can save the images to their gallery, they can always display them with pride!

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We believe that our mindfulness-based Coloring Book for ill children is a great way to introduce mindfulness to them. Images have a wide range of complexity to properly suit different ages and kids that love a challenge!

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What do you think of our new Coloring Book?

Leandro Gil

Leandro Gil is the Lead Developer at Triumf Health. He has an extensive background in game development with previous experience as team lead at Gameloft Argentina. He’s in charge of game development and design.


One year anniversary at Triumf Health


Overview of the Triumf dashboard for the care team