Triumf health app for children with diabetes - patient feedback

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Testing with Estonian Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes

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Our health app is available for several conditions, including cancer, diabetes, asthma, weight problems and children undergoing surgery. Last year, we had a valuable chance to involve childhood cancer patients in the design of Triumf game. We were able to demonstrate promising results amongst these patients. This time, our goal was to understand how our solution was perceived by diabetic patients, too. As such, in May we met with four charming testers from Estonian Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ELDÜ). The youngest partner was 9 years old, the oldest 12 years and their time from diagnosis varied from 3 to 10 years. The aim of the meeting was to have a joint testing session (although some also had a chance to test at home) to explore around in the game and give feedback on the experience.

From our side it was, again, nice to see how the game is played and perceived by our partners. In general, they liked the game and all of them would play it again. Three of them liked the visual appearance of the game and one would make the world more complex. As we have seen before from our previous testing and clinical study with pediatric cancer patients, all the partners had different favourite parts as well: who liked the underground world the most, who the Disease Monster and who had favourites from the mini-games. But our partners are here to help us improve and as such, we gained valuable feedback on several aspects of the game such as the textual presentation. The children also suggested that there could be a possibility to change the appearance of the virtual friend, and of course, came up with several other awesome ideas that could be added to the next versions. We also bumped into some technical issues but our partners still look forward to the next versions of the game.

It was also good to have the opinion of the parents, who in general thought that the game adds value, and take into account their suggestions on how to improve the educational texts.

We are very grateful to all the testers and their parents and look forward to their further opinions!

* Triumf Health kuulub Connected Health klastrisse. Klaster on Eesti erinevate tervisega seotud osapoolte kogukond, kelle ühiseks eesmärgiks on rakendada erinevad tehnoloogiad paremate tervisega seotud toodete ja teenuste pakkumiseks. Triumf Health on juhtpartner Connected Health klastri ühisarendusprojektis „Digilahenduste kasutuselevõtu edendamine SA Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumis Triumfi mobiilse tervisemängu mõju uuringu näitel“. Projekti panustab ka SA Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum. Ühisarendusprojekti kaasrahastab Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond meetme „Klastrite arendamise toetamine“ raames 25 150.5 € ulatuses.

Riin Tark

Our former Chief Engagement Officer is a clinical child psychologist by background. She was in charge of stakeholder engagement and involvement, whilst coordinating our research efforts.


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