
Children’s mental health and wellness in focus

Explore the forefront of children's mental health technology with Triumf Health's blog, your premier destination for innovative mental health solutions for young minds. Dive into expert insights and practical tips on enhancing children's wellbeing through our award-winning game, Triumfland Saga. This game is designed not just to entertain but to empower and educate, making it a leading kids' wellbeing app. Our blog covers essential topics such as fostering resilience, promoting emotional balance, and managing stress effectively in children. Stay informed about the latest advancements in mental health games and how Triumfland Saga continues to revolutionize approaches to children's mental health. Join our community and be part of the transformative journey towards a brighter, healthier future for our children.

Child Health, Product Update Riin Tark Child Health, Product Update Riin Tark

Triumf health app for children with diabetes - patient feedback

Our health app is available for several conditions, including cancer, diabetes, asthma, weight problems and children undergoing surgery. Last year, we had a valuable chance to involve childhood cancer patients in the design of Triumf game. We were able to demonstrate promising results amongst these patients. This time, our goal was to understand how our solution was perceived by diabetic patients, too. As such, in May we met with four charming testers from Estonian Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ELDÜ). The youngest partner was 9 years old, the oldest 12 years and their time from diagnosis varied from 3 to 10 years. The aim of the meeting was to have a joint testing session (although some also had a chance to test at home) to explore around in the game and give feedback on the experience.

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Research Findings, Child Health Kaari Kink Research Findings, Child Health Kaari Kink

Treating diabetes with exercise - what does the evidence say?

Diabetic patients spend up to 40% of the day with excessively high blood sugar levels, which can damage blood vessels and lead to long-term health consequences (Van Dijk et al., 2013). Medication to maintain diabetes is effective to a certain degree, however, studies show that patients still spend up to seven hours per day with abnormally high glucose levels even when drugs are administered (Van Dijk et al., 2013). Clearly, further interventions are needed to minimise the negative effects of diabetes.

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Stakeholder engagement, what does this mean to Triumf

In order to help chronically ill children, we need to focus on many aspects. First and most importantly - their mental health - how they are coping, what are their strengths and difficulties. How we can support their strengths and help with their difficulties. But if they already have the disease then we need to monitor how their treatment is followed, we need to give information on their condition, their health and wellbeing, we need to support their general health behaviors so they could live healthier lives and at the same time empower and give a sense of success. These components that are necessary to induce behavioral change work only when these are delivered in a way that kids love. And don’t they enjoy playing games? In our mobile health game kids need to save the Triumfland city from the Disease Monster but how did we come up with that? How did we know about the needs of the users?

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Team Blog, Industry News Kaari Kink Team Blog, Industry News Kaari Kink

Triumf Health in Dublin

In the beginning of April, I flew to Dublin to take part in the Deep Dive Week organised by the Startup Lighthouse team. Deep Dive Weeks happen all across Europe and their aim is to help European MedTech start-ups scale-up up abroad. In other words, help start-ups expand.

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Industry News Dr. Kadri Haljas Industry News Dr. Kadri Haljas

Is China ready for Triumf?

Triumf Health got to know Chinese market in March 2019. We were honored to win a pitching competition in autumn 2018 at the 10th FCPAE Europe Forum & the 4th ASEM Cooperation Forum that took place in Helsinki. The prize was an acceleration programme Sino Track in Beijing, China.

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Product Update Leandro Gil Product Update Leandro Gil

Game update: Triumf health app is now in the landscape mode

Triumf mobile health game is now in the landscape mode and this post gives an overview of the benefits of making such change from the portrait mode. Of course both of those modes are useful in most cases but the decision to use either landscape of portrait mode depends on the game design and on the gameplay experience. We believe that having the game in the landscape mode significantly enhances the gameplay and here is why.

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Team Blog Riin Tark Team Blog Riin Tark

Triumf team is very competitive

This year we had our winter team building event near Tallinn, Estonia. We try to have at least two fun events every year, it serves a valuable purpose for us as most of our team is working remotely. However, once we get together, things heat up! Who is the smartest team member? Who is the strongest?

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Team Blog Kaari Kink Team Blog Kaari Kink

Coping with stress

Everyday life can get hectic at times and some days are more stressful than others. Sometimes it’s the smallest things are creating the biggest worries. In the light of the increasing prevalence and awareness of mental health, our new blog post focuses on our own mental well-being and reflects on situations, where our team members have felt stressed. Most importantly, we were curious about the techniques that each of us uses in order to cope with the pressure and workload. Here are the thoughts of Triumf team members on how to relieve stress.

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Team Blog Dr. Kadri Haljas Team Blog Dr. Kadri Haljas

Healthtech startup setting goals for 2019

First of all, our team wishes everyone all the best for 2019. May this year bring you all lots of amazing opportunities and wonderful experiences! So are you ready for 2019? We definitely are! Here are some of our goals we aim to reach this year, presented in a short and simple way.

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Play is the way to healthier life

Digital health interventions such as the Triumf game have great potential as health improving scalable tools by contributing to the effectiveness, accessibility and personalisation of healthcare delivery. However, digital health interventions (as any other intervention) need to be evaluated using proper research methodology in order to prove effectiveness or at least safety.

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Team Blog, Research Findings Dr. Kadri Haljas Team Blog, Research Findings Dr. Kadri Haljas

Happy Holidays from Triumf team!

Can you imagine that it’s already the third Christmas we are celebrating as team Triumf? This has surely been an eventful year for us thus far. Here we would like to send the warmest seasonal greetings to our supporters and write about our achievements this year. Thank you, team members and everyone else, who are playing a role in this journey!

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Industry News Dr. Kadri Haljas Industry News Dr. Kadri Haljas

Triumf in Singapore

Singapore is definitely one of the leaders in the uptake of digital health innovations. I was honored to represent Triumf Health and our mHealth paltform for children in Singapore at Slush, to stakeholders including doctors and on the ministry level and at the TechInnovation technology expo, part of Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology. Keep on reading to learn more about our adventures as part of the Finnish healthtech delegation in Singapore!

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